'Tis the season, and what's a cuter way to kick it off than with handmade Christmas tree ornaments? Making annual holiday ornaments with your kids is a lovely tradition to start -- plus a great way to collect keepsakes over time. This particular project is made using items left over from your holiday entertaining: wine corks and toothpicks. So pop open a bottle of wine and make this adorable red-nosed reindeer for your eager tree-trimming squad.
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View the photo gallery below to see steps to assemble a "Reindeer Ornament That'll Go Down In History!"
2 wine corks
4 toothpicks
4 pony beads
1 small pom-pom or button
Acrylic paint (brown and white)
Small pie tin or paper plate
Googly eyes
Embroidery thread
Small eye hook
Gloss or decoupage varnish
Attach one of the corks to the other using a small piece of toothpick stuck into the corks, this will create the head and body. Position the "head" so that it's at an angle to the body. This can be done by attaching it right at the edge of the other cork. Add four longer toothpicks to the underside of the "body" cork for the legs. Add two shorter toothpicks to the "head" cork to make supports for the antlers..
Using the brown acrylic paint, paint the corks and toothpicks all over. If you like, add a few white spots to the body using the white acrylic paint for realism and cuteness! Tip: Make sure you -- and especially kids -- are careful with the acrylic paints. The paint is washable, but it doesn't wash out of clothing once it's dry.
Cut two antler shapes from brown felt. Carefully glue them onto the toothpick supports on the head of your reindeer. Let dry for about 20 minutes before handling
Now it's time to add the face. Glue the googly eyes and the red nose to the face of your reindeer. If you prefer, paint on the eyes or use buttons, sequins, or beads for the facial features. Glue the pony beads to the bottom of the legs to make hooves.
Finally, attach the eye hook to the back of the reindeer and add a long piece of embroidery thread, looped and tied, to hang the reindeer on the tree. Brush all over with a layer or two of gloss gel or decoupage varnish to make your reindeer shine. Rudolph, with your nose so bright, won't you adorn my tree tonight?
Ever wonder what to do with all of those pinecones that are scattered all over your lawn? A PINECONE BIRD FEEDER is a fun use for them that requires very little materials or skills.
WARNING: This craft includes NUTS and SEEDS. Not recommended for anyone with allergies.
Peanut Butter (smooth is best)
Birdseed ($ store brand is fine as long as there are not too many sunflower seeds)
Spreading tool (wooden popcycle stick or plastic knife)
String or ribbon (bright colours attract the birds)
Scoop peanut butter into a small cup or container (This will avoid seeds getting into the entire jar)
Pour seeds into shallow bowl (Pick out the large seeds if possible)
Spread peanut butter all over cone. (Make sure to get into the alcoves of the petals)
Roll peanut butter covered pinecone in seeds (Use your hands to sprinkle more on if needed)
Tie string or ribbon to stem (Loop the string under upper tier of pedals to be more secure)
Hang your PINECONE BIRD FEEDER somewhere within eye view and enjoy!
COMMENT: Don't be surprised if your feeder ends up being a feast for the squirrels. But that's okay right? Squirrels need to eat too :)
Our little ones grow up too fast and become faded memories way too soon. Here's a keepsake that will decorate your Christmas tree and remind us of those tiny hands and fingers that used hold onto ours for years to come
MATERIALS: Plain ornament, white acrylic paint, marker, felt or ribbon, paint brush
Pour small amount of paint into a paper plate.
Paint with brush to cover as much of palm as possible. Apply a generous amount but be careful not to over do it.
Turn palm upwards and place ornament into palm.
Help child press fingers onto the ornament so paint transfers with fingers pointing upwards to top of the ornament as shown in the image
Allow paint to dry.
Decorate the snowmen with marker for face and felt or ribbon for the scarf.